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Amdo - Holy Mountains, Holy Monasteries

Near Amnye Machen. Amdo. Qinghai.

Qinghai Lake - Serdzong Monastery - Mt. Amnye Machen - Tarthang Monastery - Mt. Nyenbo Yurtse - Machen - Serlak Monastery – Guide - Kumbum Monastery. Contact me for more information on how to customize a tour like this.


Day 1:  Xining - Qinghai Lake South Shore 180kms
Day 2:  Qinghai Lake - Serdzong Monastery (Xinghai) 260kms
Day 3:  Serdzong Monastery - Huashixia 250kms
Day 4:  Huashixia - Amnye Machen near Xia Dawu- Huashixia 170kms
Day 5:  Huashixia - Darlag (Dari) 210kms
Day 6:  Darlag - Tarthang Monastery - Jigdril (Jiuzhi) 270kms
Day 7:  Jigdril - Nyenbo Yurtse -Jigdril 100km
Day 8:  Jigdril - Darlag 270kms
Day 9:  Darlag - Machen (Dawu) 160kms
Day 10:  Machen
Day 11:  Machen - Serlak Monastery - Tongde 210kms
Day 12:  Tongde - Guide 170kms
Day 13:  Guide - Jokhang Monastery - Kumbum Monastery - Xining 150km

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1:

Xining - Qinghai Lake South Shore 180kms

Day 1 you will drive out to the south shore of Qinghai Lake, the largest lake in China. The grasslands near the lake are home to Tibetan nomads herding their yaks and sheep.

Day 2:

Qinghai Lake - Serdzong Monastery (Xinghai) 260kms

Day 2 you will go from Qinghai Lake to Serdzong which is a remote Buddhist monastery set on the side of a rugged mountain at over 3600m/12,000 feet. Serdzong provides excellent hiking opportunities.

Day 3:

Serdzong Monastery - Huashixia 250kms

Day 3 you will drive through nomadic grasslands to the small town of Huashixia.

Day 4:

Huashixia - Amnye Machen near Xia Dawu - Huashixia 170kms

Day 4 you will go out to the north side of Amnye Machen, the holiest mountain in Amdo which rises to 6282m/20,610 feet. The Golog area is famous across the Tibetan Plateau as being the home of Amnye Machen, one of the 4 main holy mountains of Tibet. Each year, thousands of pilgrims make their way to Amnye Machen to make a pilgrimage around the mountain. Amnye Machen rises to 6282m / 20,605 feet and is the highest mountain in Amdo. You will stand on the edge of Amnye Machen’s grand glacier at a high pass with prayer flags.

Day 5:

Huashixia - Darlag (Dari) 210kms

Day 5 you will go through the Amdo grasslands to the small town of Darlag along the Yellow River.

Day 6:

Darlag - Tarthang Monastery - Jigdril (Jiuzhi) 270kms

Day 6 you will go out to the large Tibetan monastery of Tarthang before going to Jigdril to stay the night.

Day 7:

Jigdril - Nyenbo Yurtse - Jigdril 100kms

Nyenbo Yurtse is a largely undiscovered hidden gem of Tibetan Plateau. Its isolated location means that very few foreign travelers have experienced this amazing region.


Nyenbo Yurtse is a sacred peak to the people of eastern Tibet because it is revered as the birthplace of the Golog Tibetan tribes. Altogether, there are 14 peaks here rising above 5000 meters/16,400 feet. The highest mountain at Nyenbo Yurtse looms above the nearby blue lakes at 5369 meters/17,615 feet. This mountain range is dominated by tall craggy, snow-covered peaks with numerous turquoise-colored lakes. We will hike 1-2 hours to visit one of these stunning lakes and have a picnic lunch here as we watch the wind wash the waves against the lakeshore.

Day 8:

Jigdril - Darlag 270kms

Day 8 you will return to Darlag.

Day 9:

Darlag - Machen (Dawu) 160kms

and then on Day 9 go to Machen. You will stay 2 nights in Machen exploring the local temples and monasteries.

Day 10:



Day 11:

Machen - Serlak Monastery - Tongde 210kms

On Day 11 you will drive north to Tongde to see the small monastery of Serlak.

Day 12:

Tongde - Guide 170kms

On Day 12 you will drive through the prairies of Amdo to the oasis town of Guide, which sits along the Yellow River.

Day 13:

Guide - Jokhang Monastery - Kumbum Monastery - Xining 150km

On Day 13 you will return to Xining after visiting Jokhang and Kumbum monasteries. Kumbum is home to over 600 monks and has some great hills around the monastery to hike.

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